Thursday, March 14, 2013

Progress And Why You Don't Skip During Long Runs

Progress and Why You Don't Skip During Long Runs

Science is amazing - not only for what we have learned, but also for what we investigate. Ever wonder why you don't skip much during your runs? Me neither. But apparently, some scientists had that question, and for good reason. It turns out that most animals skip or gallop when they move at higher speeds, as it affords a more energy efficient form of locomotion for them. Humans, on the other hand, maintain a running gait at all times, and only rarely skip or gallop when moving at speed. So why is that? Well, as we now know thanks to science, because of the human hip and bipedal form of locomotion, skipping or galloping is actually metabolically more expensive and involves high muscular stress at the hips. So we don't do it. This makes sense, but it is something that I never thought about. You can read more here.

Starting to work in longer runs now that spring is approaching and things are warming up. Did a nice 17 miles today with 2,400 gain (between 9,000-10,200) in 2:24 (two laps of 1:12 each). Nothing special, but it's nice to put in a few more miles then the usual run, and I was pleased with my time and fitness. Things seem to be going in the right direction, and as I continue to stay heavy on the vert. (13,650' in the past 7 days with one rest day) I believe I am starting to see some of the payoff. The trick will to be to continue this through spring, but to add in some longer runs and one speed session per week (I got invited to do a track workout, but it was starting at 6:00am - hopefully I can make next weeks Sunrise Speed Session). Regardless, the motivation is high and I am really excited about this summer.

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